Periyar’s predicament

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,August 18 2006]

Rationalist Periyar and controversies are inseparable. Ever since director Gnana Rajasekaran's Periyar was granted a financial assistance of Rs 95 lakh, controversies have been dogging the film. A case was even filed at the Madras High Court against the Tamilnadu State government for providing financial assistance for the movie.

However the director has managed to complete a few scenes for the movie in Karaikudi and its adjoining areas. Sathyaraj plays the rationalist leader while Jyothirmayi plays his wife.

Says Gnana Rajasekaran, ‘We needed actors who resemble Mahathma Gandhiji, Ambedkar, Annadurai, Kamaraj, Rajaji and M Karunanidhi. Interestingly without any difficulty we managed to find suitable artistes for all the characters except Annadurai. Our efforts are still on to find a suitable man for donning the role'.

So far, Periyar has been shaping up well with Sathyaraj getting skin-deep into the character, adds the director.

’Another highlight is cinematographer-turned-director Thangar Bachchan cranking the camera for the movie. Coming to know about the project, he associated himself with us and has not even taken money for doing his job', he adds.